Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In Honor of Summer

I live in the Northwestern United States.  Yes, it is one of the rainiest places in the US.  Yes, I chose to live here.  Yes, I LOVE the weather.  Yes, I know I'm wierd.  But as much as I love the constant green and cool weather, I do sometimes long for the warmer weather of my Southern home.  Not the 99 degree heat with the 110 degree heat index.  But the warmer spring days of 70's and 80's.  Today, 8 days into the calendar summer, we are "supposed to" top out at 70 degrees and it's supposed to be sunny.  Well, the sunny part is actually true and I plan on getting off this computer and taking my daughter to the park in just a few minutes.  Currently the computer tells me that the temperature is 61 so I will believe the 70 when I see it.  However, in honor of (and in optimistic hope of) the warmer temperatures, I actually dressed in shorts and . . . wait for it . . .



Ok, so I'm trying to not focus on the obvious cankles I have right now and the un-pedicured toes that I would LOVE to have in order to look truly fabulous in these cute wedges.  Instead, I am going to be proud of myself and the fact that I did, indeed get dressed and don't have my hair in a pony tail today.

Still no Makeup, but at least no pony tail :)

Yes, I even (semi) made the bed today.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings today.  I made one or two changes.  Did you make any changes today on your journey to fabulousness?


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