2. Run a marathon.
3. Lose all the weight onece and for all. (Right now, I'm thinking 80 pounds?)
4. Look good in a bikini (and actually wear it in public!).
5. Finish K's baby blanket (she's 3 now!)
6. Learn how to knit.
7. Pay off all debts (except student loans and mortgage if we happen to get one in the next year).
8. Buy a house.
9. Take some prerequisite courses for PhD.
11. Read at least 12 classics I never got around to reading in high school. 1/12
12. Complete A's baby album.
13. Complete K's baby album.
15. Sell my teaching stuff online.
16. Read or get rid of any unfinished books in my current collection.
17. Declutter my entire house.
18. Try Zumba!
19. Buy a red dress that I look sexy in.
20. Go to an opera (preferrably in the aforementioned red dress).
21. Submit my book for publishing.
22. Start and maintain a saving account with more than $1000 in it.
23. Learn Italian.
24. Learn how to wear a scarf (and start wearing them at least once a week).
25. Knit a cable knit sweater.
26. Complete our wedding album.
27. Transform my wardrode (and start dressing everyday).
28. Sew all the projects I started in the spring of 2011.
29. Get my passport.
30. Visit Canada.
31. Take a ballroom dance class.
32. Buy a pair of knee-high boots that fit my calves.
33. See Andrea Bocelli in concert.
34. Read 50 books on the New York Times Best Seller List. 7/50
35. Have dinner in the Space Needle restaurant.
36. Learn how to swim (for real!)
37. Spend (at least) one night in a 5 star hotel or a bed and breakfast.
38. Fix my grandmother's ring.
39. Write an article and get it published in a magazine.
40. Build something with wood.
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