Saturday, December 1, 2012

40 by 40 Friday: Crossing Off The List

I did it!  After almost a full year of staring at my 40 things I want to get done before I turn 40, I have finally done it!  I am officially crossing off my first item!  Yay me!

Item #14 - Learn how to make the perfect pie crust.  Over. Done with.  I finally was able to feel like I had accomplished this one.  Like I said in my Thanksgiving post, I did make a pie crust that turned out pretty good, but I wasn't happy with the rolling out process.  I felt like it was still too hard and crumbled just a little too much as I was working with it.  So after getting some hints from friends and FaceBook friends and watching some YouTube videos, I pulled all of those tips together and made it.  I made a pumpkin pie and brought it to school for all the teachers and administrators to try.  I received rave reviews.  I heard things like "the crust is so flaky", "the crust tastes wonderful", and "can I get your recipe?"!

So without further ado, I will attempt to give you the perfect pie crust recipe by pulling together all of those tips I found and piling them up here for you.  I'm not going to reprint the recipe itself as I found that part on pinterest. 

The Recipe
Perfect Pie Crust (photo)
How to Roll Out Pie Crust
In addition to the recipe and the video, I also had a hint to add a tsp of vinegar to help break down the gluten and make the dough easier to roll out.  I'm sure I will revisit this over and over again as I incorporate new hints and try new recipes, but for the purpose of crossing it off my list, i think the reviews on Thursday are enough for me to pass this test.

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