The 40 By 40 Bucket List

1. Finish my book.
2. Run a marathon.
3. Lose all the weight onece and for all. (Right now, I'm thinking 80 pounds?)
4. Look good in a bikini (and actually wear it in public!).
5. Finish K's baby blanket (she's 3 now!)
6. Learn how to knit.
7. Pay off all debts (except student loans and mortgage if we happen to get one in the next year).
8. Buy a house.
9. Take some prerequisite courses for PhD.
11. Read at least 12 classics I never got around to reading in high school. 1/12
12. Complete A's baby album.
13. Complete K's baby album.
14. Learn how to make the perfect pie crust. Done 11/29/2012
15. Sell my teaching stuff online.
16. Read or get rid of any unfinished books in my current collection.
17. Declutter my entire house.
18. Try Zumba!
19. Buy a red dress that I look sexy in.
20. Go to an opera (preferrably in the aforementioned red dress).
21. Submit my book for publishing.
22. Start and maintain a saving account with more than $1000 in it.
23. Learn Italian.
24. Learn how to wear a scarf (and start wearing them at least once a week).
25. Knit a cable knit sweater.
26. Complete our wedding album.
27. Transform my wardrode (and start dressing everyday).
28. Sew all the projects I started in the spring of 2011.
29. Get my passport.
30. Visit Canada.
31. Take a ballroom dance class.
32. Buy a pair of knee-high boots that fit my calves.
33. See Andrea Bocelli in concert.
34. Read 50 books on the New York Times Best Seller List. 7/50 
35. Have dinner in the Space Needle restaurant.
36. Learn how to swim (for real!)
37. Spend (at least) one night in a 5 star hotel or a bed and breakfast.
38. Fix my grandmother's ring.
39. Write an article and get it published in a magazine.
40. Build something with wood.

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